bleg 3 - Social Media and Digital Footprints

 Social media and Digital Footprints


Digital footprint is the information about a person that is on the internet. This could be anything from your name, to your birthday. Most teenagers have a giant digital footprint, because of social media. Social media and digital footprint intertwine. Most teens have social media, and they post a lot of their personal information on the social media, making their digital footprint larger. The problem with digital footprint is that the social media you post it on have access to all of it, and they can use it to manipulate you, or know where you are at a certain time. Most people don't realize the danger a big digital footprint can bring for them, but then a handful of people still know to not post anything personal to the internet. As it has been many times repeated, whatever you post on the internet, stays on the internet. With high possibility, data about a person will be more valuable then anything else, and this is why i think that schools should teach their students about how to make their digital footprint smaller and to be aware to not post anything personal and such. Sadly, many people today are not aware of the danger of social media and do not realize how it will impact them in the future. Overall, i believe that learning about sharing personal information on the internet and about the digital footprint is very important and should be taught in every school.

 Digital Footprints | White Punt Consulting


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