Being Aware of What you share Being aware of what you share on social media or anywhere on the internet is very important. As most people know, whatever you share on the internet, it will never be gone from the internet, even if you delete it. People who saved it to their one drive or device will still have it there and can re-post it whenever they want, and you cannot do anything about it, as they basically own it now. To make matters worse, most social media ask you when you first log in, if they can use your pictures and use them. But because there are so many words, most people don't even read it and click accept, and then they get mad when they regret posting a picture and it being on a billboard of some-kind. Sadly, most teenagers don't care about what they post, because they don't think that it will impact them in the future. It may impact them in many ways, either they post something embarrassing that they cannot delete and it will make their personal life hell. O...