
About me

I am in 8th grade and I am a boy. I like to play chess or video games after school, and sometimes i learn how to either program or the basics of Linux. I like spiders and snakes, this may be weird to some people but if find them nice. During the weekend I enjoy hiking and visiting the sea. And I like pineapple on pizza.        

Blego 4 - Responding to Online Hate Speech

  Responding to Online Hate Speech If you use the internet for anything, you must've run into hate speech. Hate speech is when someone is being mean or rude or just overall a bad person to someone over the internet. Because it's the internet, and it is hard to track the person down, people can use racial slurs, sexist things and more .  Online hate speech can happen in many ways. This includes video games, social media, or emails. Now that we know what online hate speech is and where it happens, we can talk about how to respond to it if it is directed at you. There are several ways to combat hate speech like not responding at all, because haters want to see the reaction. The best way to respond to online hate speech is to ignore it and not show any interest, they will get bored of not getting a response out of you and will stop. If you tell a trusted adult, what are they going to do about it? The only thing they could do is ban you from that website or game or social medi

bleg 3 - Social Media and Digital Footprints

 Social media and Digital Footprints   Digital footprint is the information about a person that is on the internet. This could be anything from your name, to your birthday. Most teenagers have a giant digital footprint, because of social media. Social media and digital footprint intertwine. Most teens have social media, and they post a lot of their personal information on the social media, making their digital footprint larger. The problem with digital footprint is that the social media you post it on have access to all of it, and they can use it to manipulate you, or know where you are at a certain time. Most people don't realize the danger a big digital footprint can bring for them, but then a handful of people still know to not post anything personal to the internet. As it has been many times repeated, whatever you post on the internet, stays on the internet. With high possibility, data about a person will be more valuable then anything else, and this is why i think that schools

2nd Bleg - Being Aware of What you share

  Being Aware of What you share Being aware of what you share on social media or anywhere on the internet is very important. As most people know, whatever you share on the internet, it will never be gone from the internet, even if you delete it. People who saved it to their one drive or device will still have it there and can re-post it whenever they want, and you cannot do anything about it, as they basically own it now. To make matters worse, most social media ask you when you first log in, if they can use your pictures and use them. But because there are so many words, most people don't even read it and click accept, and then they get mad when they regret posting a picture and it being on a billboard of some-kind. Sadly, most teenagers don't care about what they post, because they don't think that it will impact them in the future. It may impact them in many ways, either they post something embarrassing that they cannot delete and it will make their personal life hell. O

1st bleg

  Social Media I personally don't really use social media, because I believe it is for idiots and a waste of time. The only social media i use is YouTube, and that is because of its useful while also fun videos that are in length and explain in depth.    Social media uses addictive things so that their users spend a lot of time on social media so that the social media can put as much advertisements as possible, earning them money.   They have many ways to keep the viewers interested, such as using auto-play or using personalized searches using what you are interested in. Especially for younger audience it is bad, because they need to focus on their studies and socialize, but this makes them procrastinate. Social media is also full of inaccurate or dangerous information that can cause panic or self-harm . People can also cyber bully using social media through comments or dedicated channels to try to bring the person down. Generally, social media will use teenagers for the